Thursday, May 23, 2013

Checking In

Namaste to you all!
I am so sorry for being 'gone' all this time!
I have been working on the book and actively working to create the next journey on this lifepath.
But, I have been checking in from time to time to see who might be visiting.
I am so excited to share with you all that we have been visited by fellow spiritwalkers from all over the world!  Our newest visitors are from Egypt, Tunisia and Sinapore.
If I may be so bold as to speak for all of us...
We welcome you all and bid you namaste - we see you, we recognize your humanity, we honor your spirit and we celebrate your spiritwalk in this life!

Columbia, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Ukraine, Thailand, South Korea, the UK, Germany,
Viet Nam, Denmark, Russia, Brazil, Taiwan, Philippines, Hungary, Latvia, the Netherlands, Denmark, the US, Norway, Israel, Australia, India, France, Indonesia, Sweden, China, Egypt, Singapore, Tunisia, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Chile, the Czech Republic,
Hong Kong, Spain, Canada, Portugal, Argentina, Morocco, Qatar

I've been waiting anxiously to get the front cover layout (for my book) from the publishers to share with you all, but can't wait anymore.  So, I'm including here a picture that will be on the cover.

This is a sculpting I did while in the throes of the Kundalini rising experience.  You'll see two faces.  The front and smaller face is my person.  The larger figure in the back is Spirit.  Spirit inspires and speaks through me.  

We are - all of us - souls embodied, and Spirit will speak/act through us if we so desire!

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