Sunday, October 28, 2012

Prayer for New Found Love

March 2010

Each day, that which is growing between us
gradually reveals itself to me;
almost as if my mind/heart cannot absorb
it more quickly, but must,
become aware slowly.

I sense a need to stay clear within myself
about my wishes and desires
and that which wants to be – in reality.

I can so easily fill in the blanks of the unfinished sentence.
My desires transform quietly into my expectations
of how this is ‘supposed to go’,
and what you are ‘supposed to be or feel’.
And from there, it is a short fall
into a downward spiral of seeing only what I want to see,
failing to honor what is real,
and the inevitable frustration and anger
at the loss of ‘what was supposed to be’.

This is my prayer,
the intention I set for myself.
I truly want to honor you for exactly
who you are and choose to be…

I have learned that my words slide effortlessly
from my fingers onto the page.
I can sense wisdom and transform it into verse.
But, I hope you will remember,
these words are the vision of who I want to be,
the lessons I need to learn,
the goals toward which I strive,
the wisdom I seek to integrate into my being.

I sense that this union with you,
however it ends up being defined,
offers gifts of profound measure.

Already, I can see that your presence in my life is
challenging me to grow in new ways;
offering me opportunities to practice new found wisdom and skills;
asking me to love in the face of fear...

There is a great deal of risk in this
for me, and you as well.
I want to learn how to recognize fear responses in myself,
to honor them,
and to NOT let them rule my life.

I pray that I find a way to
stay present with you with an open heart,
an agile mind,
a creative spirit,
and a faith that spirit is guiding us
toward something that is life-giving
to us both.

I pray that I can love you
unabashedly and courageously
in the face of uncertainty and fear,
and that I can learn to celebrate
that which grows between us,
        however it defines itself.

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