Why is it that we raise some on pedestals
that far surpass their very real humanity?
What is this need to assign larger-than-life
attributes to these people?
We each can name those whom
we esteem above all others.
From my own life experience,
I would name
Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa,
Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela,
Siddhartha Guatama Buddha...
Please know that these thoughts,
in no way,
are meant to disrespect these people.
In fact, I feel a deep reverence and gratitude for
the messages they brought to us all.
They are heroes to me.
They inspire me to seek that
within myself which can strive to live
the wisdom they taught.
But I, like so many others,
feel compelled to ascribe to them
more than the mere humanity
that defines us all.
I want them to be more than human,
to be divine in some way...
This drive to set these people apart
is what I question.
Why, I wonder, do I/we have this need?
I realize I can't answer that question
for anyone other than myself.
I think, I want to know there is more
than what the drab and sometimes frightening
everyday life experience offers,
that there are beings who, somehow,
can rise above the challenges
that so frequently drive me to my knees.
I want to know that there is hope for the simple
likes of me.
These people fill a void in myself,
answer the demons inside who whisper
my failings, my ineptitude, my inability
to rise above that which I see in the mirror.
Perhaps, if I can never be more than I am,
I can venerate these people,
see in them and in their lives,
that which I can never envision for myself.
And that may,
just may,
give me peace.
I recognize, however,
an error in that logic, those emotions.
And in not questioning this error, I believe
that I disrespect one of the critical lessons
these people brought for me.
It is this.
These people were human.
They were plagued with their own demons,
just like me.
They struggled with life events,
just like me.
They lived day-to-day,
just like me.
But, more importantly,
rather MOST importantly,
I believe that through their living
as real human beings,
they demonstrated
that 'mere mortals' can reach
incredible heights
of human development.
This gift is for all of us,
not just a select few.
This gift is for
of us.
Who am I...really?
What is the highest, most developed,
being into which I can grow
in this lifetime?
Who are you...really?
What is the highest, most developed,
being into which
can grow in this lifetime?
What is the greatness that lies
your soul,
waiting to be born
through your life?
Seek it,
trust it,
the divine resides
in you,
that it waits for you
to turn the key.
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