A year and a half ago,
I walked out of my house,
last box in hand,
and gave the key
to the new inhabitants.
In the year leading up
to that moment,
I had rid my self
of most all my possessions,
and now fit all I owned
into a small room.
In the two years prior to that,
I engaged in an intensive practice of
'clearing and cleansing',
sitting in silence,
listening for the voice
of wisdom inside my self,
witnessing as, one by one,
the stories I had crafted
about my life
presented themselves
for examination
from a new perspective,
a perspective I didn't yet understand,
but one nonetheless that would
ultimately free me from
the myths that kept my spirit
imprisoned and earth-bound.
I watched as those myths
were dissolved, sometimes
with fire, sometimes in a flash,
sometimes in a hush...
but always,
with a gentle compassion and love
for my person and my soul embodied.
It felt as if I had been scrubbed from
the inside out.
I sensed what it was like
to live free from my old stories,
and saw how the space cleared
in my heart enlivened
the creation of new stories
of love and compassion,
possibilities and purpose.
The cleansing and clearing
is not over.
I sense it is a lifetime
daily practice
punctuated by mountaintop journeys,
moments of clarity and epiphany
emerging from a seeming morass of confusion...
But always,
a journey of the soul embodied
to experience, to learn, to heal,
to find beauty in one self
and to offer that beauty back
to life.
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