Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lessons in Tidbits and Morsels

Feeling a bit lonely today, so thought to be with it a bit.

I relish alone time and have been 'unpartnered' nearly five years.
  It has been a rich, wonderous and incredibly fulfilling time.

And, though I love time with self, I also delight in community.
  I love being in relation with another, and with others.

Recently, I had an encounter with a soul mate.
  That experience reminded me about the dance of relationships.

I remembered that relationships are delicious and challenging,
  rife with opportunities to discover and grow and bear the growth pains!

Being in relation with another calls forth ones soul,
  surfaces lessons to learn and wounds to heal in ones self.

The relationship itself gains form and character through the
  interactions of the two, develops its own life, and requires care.

Because I migrate toward depth and significance in relationships,
  the experience with an other, by its very nature, will be intense.

For all these reasons, the call to engage the self with an other is momentous.
  So, for me to embrace that dance, it must be authentic and in-depth.

And, the loneliness?
  I remembered the world-wrapped-in-a-relationship feeling and,
  having briefly touched it once again,
  feel the loss of it.

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