Saturday, September 29, 2012

Inspired by the Mystery

19 November 2011

If this life is, indeed, a thought experiment,
  then one could imagine that our higher selves
  do have infinite knowledge,
  do have the answers to the questions that taunt us through the generations.

And this is, precisely, the point.

If we do have all the wisdom of the universe
  tucked away deep inside our selves,
  but the experiment is to learn what it means
  to not have access to that,
  then by definition, we can’t find the answers we so desperately seek.

The purpose
  is not to find those elusive answers,
  but to learn to live without direct access to them,
  to discover in our selves that which
  exists in the unknown,
  discerns possibilities,
  experiments with ideas,
  learns from the journey…

The delight, the joy, the purpose is not to know,
  but to play, to learn, to explore,
  to experience the unknowing,
  to be inspired by the mystery …

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