11 October 2011
'Who am I when I am living fully in my truth?' I ask.
In return, 'What is your truth?'
'To give of myself to those who are oppressed...
and to my children.'
A god dressed in gold and crimson appears before me.
He has eight arms, all moving in synchronicity,
doing everything simultaneously.
It is amazing to see him accomplish so much
just sitting there!
Then, I look at myself and see only two arms.
I am disappointed, discouraged.
'You can't do it all. You are just human.
You can not be all things to all people'.
A path of white sand appears before me, moving off
into the distance.
I know it is mine, but I am not supposed to be walking.
'Who am I when I am walking fully in my truth?
What is my truth?
What is my truth?'
'Stay focused, pull your energy in,
renew it through meditation,
stay centered,
stay focused.'
Reaction - mine - my own fears, insecurities, disbelief -
raise their heads, ready to lash out at me,
deride me, smash me into a million pieces,
steal my dream,
devour my hope.
Ohm mani padme hum
Ohm mani padme hum
Ohm mani padme hum
Compassion, love
'You have seen the darkness inside your self.
Gather the courage to witness it in full
so that you may grow in wisdom.
Witness, be still, witness.
Don't analyze or move to solutions.
Dare to be a full and honest witness to
that which exists in your darkness.
Perhaps, you have become attached
to the terrors that hide in your darkness.
In that attachment, you give them your power.
Witness the attachment.
I step into the darkness.
The emaciated, angry spirit therein
has been raised from its slumber
and awaits in gluttonous hunger.
Seething, chanting,
'You can't, you aren't, you won't, how dare you?!'
'You are a failure. You are a disappointment.'
Frightened, falling, falling,
deeper into the abyss;
the vicious scream of the spirit
forever laughing in my head.
I land at the bottom of the never-ending abyss
and see there the ultimate failure...
I have failed God.
I have wasted my life.
I have left my calling unfulfilled...
Lost in a profusion of
self loathing,
disgust, disappointment, shame.
'Be still and know that I Am.'
Falling, falling, captured by my own self loathing...
'Be still and know that I Am.'
Be still
Be still
Ohm mani padme hum
Ohm mani padme hum
'Be who you want to be,
Follow your path.
Do what you will.
You can NEVER disappoint me.
Be still and know that I Am.
I Am
I Am
I Am
You Are...
What you do or don't...doesn't matter.
Who you are or not...doesn't matter.
All that matters it that
You Are.
Because You Are,
I love you.
You can never
disappoint me.'
Ohm mani padme hum
Ohm mani padme hum
Ohm mani padme hum
'Know that I Am.
Know that You Are.'
Ohm mani padme hum
Ohm mani padme hum
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
18 July 2011
Remember, there is exquisite beauty in this world and life.
Remember, also, that it differs from the misconstrued image
painted by our society.
Beauty shines
on the wings of a bee adorned with pollen,
in the expectant eyes of a two-year-old,
on the brow of an aged woman,
in the sweat of a day's toil,
on the simple product of inexpert handiwork,
in the dreams that own your heart,
on the wings of thought,
in the courage to step forward into the life that lies before you,
in the wisdom gained through years of trying, failing and learning,
in the simple breath that enlivens each and every living being,
in the hope for tomorrow,
and the tears for yesterday.
Beauty - all round us - is us - is in our creation.
Remember, there is exquisite beauty in this world and life.
Remember, also, that it differs from the misconstrued image
painted by our society.
Beauty shines
on the wings of a bee adorned with pollen,
in the expectant eyes of a two-year-old,
on the brow of an aged woman,
in the sweat of a day's toil,
on the simple product of inexpert handiwork,
in the dreams that own your heart,
on the wings of thought,
in the courage to step forward into the life that lies before you,
in the wisdom gained through years of trying, failing and learning,
in the simple breath that enlivens each and every living being,
in the hope for tomorrow,
and the tears for yesterday.
Beauty - all round us - is us - is in our creation.
25 May 2011
So, it would be on this day.
I am here alone, packing those things
that are so very important to me.
The sadness floods in,
the flood gates bulge,
the tears want to flow.
But, I have to keep moving forward.
Some part of me knows that so profoundly -
it is my truth.
To what or where I am moving,
I still have no idea.
I don't know what clothes to keep or
what of my belongings will come with me.
Hollow, alone feeling.
Feeling all alone.
So, it would be on this day.
I am here alone, packing those things
that are so very important to me.
The sadness floods in,
the flood gates bulge,
the tears want to flow.
But, I have to keep moving forward.
Some part of me knows that so profoundly -
it is my truth.
To what or where I am moving,
I still have no idea.
I don't know what clothes to keep or
what of my belongings will come with me.
Hollow, alone feeling.
Feeling all alone.
Spirit is Calling
I want to understand the dragon from a new perspective.
I want to see differently.
I want my mind to evolve, so I can witness these events
and see something new
a way forward
entirely new from paths we've previously trodden
as humankind.
I feel called to change the molecules in my brain
to re-wire my neurological pathways
to re-set the synapses
to re-fire
there is something different to see
a new way to understand
a path forward
that feels tantalizingly close,
teasing my curiosity,
testing my resolve,
demanding that I clean, clear, open, release
because I get in my own way,
blind myself to the information coming to me
lose myself in past pain
Spirit is challenging, calling
I can hear.
Can I follow?
I want to see differently.
I want my mind to evolve, so I can witness these events
and see something new
a way forward
entirely new from paths we've previously trodden
as humankind.
I feel called to change the molecules in my brain
to re-wire my neurological pathways
to re-set the synapses
to re-fire
there is something different to see
a new way to understand
a path forward
that feels tantalizingly close,
teasing my curiosity,
testing my resolve,
demanding that I clean, clear, open, release
because I get in my own way,
blind myself to the information coming to me
lose myself in past pain
Spirit is challenging, calling
I can hear.
Can I follow?
the 'Perfect Storm'
Is a dragon not a snake uncoiled?
Venom in its eyes,
lusting for our death,
flying great circles above the clouds
to create the tempest
that smashes against our shores
tears apart our homes
and reduces our lives
to that of simple
Venom in its eyes,
lusting for our death,
flying great circles above the clouds
to create the tempest
that smashes against our shores
tears apart our homes
and reduces our lives
to that of simple
20 March 2011
The last few days have been difficult for me - mostly emotionally, but also physically. I awoke with a roaring in my head yesterday. It lasted five hours and cleared only during yoga. Any sound I heard amplified the roaring and created echoes inside my head. Sounds as gentle as taking paper off a toilet roll exploded and vibrated against the inside of my skull. When people talked, I had to struggle to hear them.
Then, I had a vision of a person tied to the outside of the nuclear reactor, and I saw people swarming in chaos beneath it.
That the beast we have flirted with for so long has finally unleashed its terrible power upon this world is no surprise to me. It, really, was just a matter of time. It is taking its course now, fueled by the natural forces that circulate the air and water all round this tiny planet.
We cannot escape the poisons it is already depositing in our bodies.
Every breath, every drink, we ingest the death we thought, in our arrogance, that we could control.
The last few days have been difficult for me - mostly emotionally, but also physically. I awoke with a roaring in my head yesterday. It lasted five hours and cleared only during yoga. Any sound I heard amplified the roaring and created echoes inside my head. Sounds as gentle as taking paper off a toilet roll exploded and vibrated against the inside of my skull. When people talked, I had to struggle to hear them.
Then, I had a vision of a person tied to the outside of the nuclear reactor, and I saw people swarming in chaos beneath it.
That the beast we have flirted with for so long has finally unleashed its terrible power upon this world is no surprise to me. It, really, was just a matter of time. It is taking its course now, fueled by the natural forces that circulate the air and water all round this tiny planet.
We cannot escape the poisons it is already depositing in our bodies.
Every breath, every drink, we ingest the death we thought, in our arrogance, that we could control.
This Day
This day is like no other.
Because, on this day
we can stand up and say,
And, they will listen.
Because, on this day
we can stand up and say,
And, they will listen.
I Can Feel the Earth Cry
Poisons seeping to her core,
hiding their wicked nature
behind the cloak of transparency,
allowing their carrier to bid forth
all who thirst.
And then, killing without mercy.
These poisons we release into this earth,
every day!
My God, we are killing Gia!
Creatures, blameless of our sins
succumbing to death
The earth cries out in pain.
Can you hear it?
Can you feel it?
We are not separate from
our mother Gia.
We are not separate.
Can we not find in ourselves
the willingness
to stop,
to turn our faces to the
sorrow created by our actions,
to use our hands for creation
and healing?
It is never too late.
hiding their wicked nature
behind the cloak of transparency,
allowing their carrier to bid forth
all who thirst.
And then, killing without mercy.
These poisons we release into this earth,
every day!
My God, we are killing Gia!
Creatures, blameless of our sins
succumbing to death
The earth cries out in pain.
Can you hear it?
Can you feel it?
We are not separate from
our mother Gia.
We are not separate.
Can we not find in ourselves
the willingness
to stop,
to turn our faces to the
sorrow created by our actions,
to use our hands for creation
and healing?
It is never too late.
con chim nhỏ
You kept calling me back,
your voice sweet and gentle,
your spirit quiet,
your eyes piercing.
I couldn't say 'good night'.
How can I say 'good bye'
if I can't even say 'until tomorrow'?
Tears hot against my face,
I stepped back into your presence,
and we gazed, once again,
into each other's soul.
Every day that I see you,
I feel your anguish,
the torture of being trapped,
the profound desire to
just take flight.
Each day, I resist the urge
to rip open the doors that
deny you the life you were born
to live, to free you from
the curse of watching
instead of living.
And, each day,
knowing I can not release
you from this hell,
my heart breaking,
I bid you farewell until
our next meeting.
I am so sorry!
I am so very sorry!
It was not a chance meeting,
you and I.
That day, I was struggling as
depression's spiny fingers
clawed at my heart.
And, there you were.
You seemed to know me
at first glance.
And I felt your soul,
recognized something in you
reaching beyond the material
forms that define this plane.
Your bright song and
curious nature,
your immediate recognition
and interest in me
shone a light
in the darkness of my heart
melting the depression
and leaving there a smile.
We have been friends
from the first.
I shall miss you as no other.
You have captured my heart.
This is my prayer for you.
One day, you will
burst from the cage that
torments your soul
and you will fly.
You will fly.
your voice sweet and gentle,
your spirit quiet,
your eyes piercing.
I couldn't say 'good night'.
How can I say 'good bye'
if I can't even say 'until tomorrow'?
Tears hot against my face,
I stepped back into your presence,
and we gazed, once again,
into each other's soul.
Every day that I see you,
I feel your anguish,
the torture of being trapped,
the profound desire to
just take flight.
Each day, I resist the urge
to rip open the doors that
deny you the life you were born
to live, to free you from
the curse of watching
instead of living.
And, each day,
knowing I can not release
you from this hell,
my heart breaking,
I bid you farewell until
our next meeting.
I am so sorry!
I am so very sorry!
you and I.
That day, I was struggling as
depression's spiny fingers
clawed at my heart.
And, there you were.
You seemed to know me
at first glance.
And I felt your soul,
recognized something in you
reaching beyond the material
forms that define this plane.
Your bright song and
curious nature,
your immediate recognition
and interest in me
shone a light
in the darkness of my heart
melting the depression
and leaving there a smile.
We have been friends
from the first.
I shall miss you as no other.
You have captured my heart.
This is my prayer for you.
One day, you will
burst from the cage that
torments your soul
and you will fly.
You will fly.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Hanford Nuclear Transformer
Had a lucid dream just now.
I was at the Hanford Nuclear Reactor.
Everything was supposed to be off.
But I wasn't. I was still on.
I sat inside an oval glass tube
with a dome shaped top
filled with a clear fluid.
My glass tube was on a table,
with others.
And, I sat, looking out.
I was a transformer.
And, I was on.
I was at the Hanford Nuclear Reactor.
Everything was supposed to be off.
But I wasn't. I was still on.
I sat inside an oval glass tube
with a dome shaped top
filled with a clear fluid.
My glass tube was on a table,
with others.
And, I sat, looking out.
I was a transformer.
And, I was on.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Is Not a Billion Dollars Enough?
I don't understand...
Is not a billion dollars enough?
Or even a million.
It seems to me that you can get by
on a million.
You realize, don't you,
that as you take more and more,
others fall further and further
into destitution.
Is not a billion dollars enough?
Or even a million.
It seems to me that you can get by
on a million.
You realize, don't you,
that as you take more and more,
others fall further and further
into destitution.
She is Hungry
pushing her bicycle
laden with vegetables
across the street
hemmed in on all sides
by motos and cars
rushing to their destiny
the riders unaware
of the woman's story.
prepared rice for her children
clothed them as best she could
set them to work in the fields
Then, she harvested the vegetables
loaded her bicycle
and rode the 30 minutes into town.
If she did not leave early enough,
she would not get a valuable spot
on the street to vend her food.
And, if she could not sell her vegetables,
her family would go hungry
yet another day.
The rains came this day,
keeping all inside
except this woman,
who sat with a plastic bag
on her head,
for someone.
No one came this day.
her clothes soaked
her purse empty
and tonight
her children's stomachs
She is everywhere
on the streets of Viet Nam
in the fields of the Americas
in the roundavals of Africa
and she is hungry
'I am
the African-American woman
raising the children of the white family.
I am
the Mexican farmer,
laboring now in the fields
of the Americans.
I am
the Vietnamese woman
cleaning the kitchen
of the wealthy Vietnamese.
Do you not see me?
Can you not feel my pain?
Are you so lost in the image
you have created for yourself
that you can not recognize
my humanity?
Why do you feel it necessary
that I toil on your ground
in order to prove that you
are, somehow, better?
Why is it okay to treat me
with less respect than you
save for your dog?
How do you imagine that
I feed my children
on the wages you pay me?
And how do you think
I can raise my children
when you require my presence
15-hours a day?
Can you not prepare your own meals,
raise your own children,
clean your own mess?
I don't understand.
I give so much,
yet, you recognize me not.
And, somehow, in the reduction
of me, you believe that
you gain stature and worth.
Is it really true that wealth
is the measure of human worth?
Interesting that if the toil of labor,
were the measure of worth,
you would find yourself
at the
Not that I want to be exalted over you,
for in doing that, I would be perpetuating
this violence that you practice against humankind.
No, I don't want that.
And, I don't need for you to loose
yourself from your wealth.
But, I do recognize that your worldly
wealth, and your pursuit of it,
narrows your vision and constrains
your ability to find compassion in your self.
I do recognize that your worldly stature
and your pursuit of it, blinds you to
the richness that is life,
the wealth that can not be measured
in gold or silver.
I feel the pain and emptiness of your soul grow,
even as your worldly riches expand beyond measure.
I see a shell of a person, clad in the most royal of clothes,
with soulless eyes and a heart hardened
by the necessity of NOT seeing
the horror that your 'climb to success'
inflicts on others.'
A wise man once said that it is harder for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven
than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
the African-American woman
raising the children of the white family.
I am
the Mexican farmer,
laboring now in the fields
of the Americans.
I am
the Vietnamese woman
cleaning the kitchen
of the wealthy Vietnamese.
Do you not see me?
Can you not feel my pain?
Are you so lost in the image
you have created for yourself
that you can not recognize
my humanity?
Why do you feel it necessary
that I toil on your ground
in order to prove that you
are, somehow, better?
Why is it okay to treat me
with less respect than you
save for your dog?
How do you imagine that
I feed my children
on the wages you pay me?
And how do you think
I can raise my children
when you require my presence
15-hours a day?
Can you not prepare your own meals,
raise your own children,
clean your own mess?
I don't understand.
I give so much,
yet, you recognize me not.
And, somehow, in the reduction
of me, you believe that
you gain stature and worth.
Is it really true that wealth
is the measure of human worth?
Interesting that if the toil of labor,
were the measure of worth,
you would find yourself
at the
Not that I want to be exalted over you,
for in doing that, I would be perpetuating
this violence that you practice against humankind.
No, I don't want that.
And, I don't need for you to loose
yourself from your wealth.
But, I do recognize that your worldly
wealth, and your pursuit of it,
narrows your vision and constrains
your ability to find compassion in your self.
I do recognize that your worldly stature
and your pursuit of it, blinds you to
the richness that is life,
the wealth that can not be measured
in gold or silver.
I feel the pain and emptiness of your soul grow,
even as your worldly riches expand beyond measure.
I see a shell of a person, clad in the most royal of clothes,
with soulless eyes and a heart hardened
by the necessity of NOT seeing
the horror that your 'climb to success'
inflicts on others.'
A wise man once said that it is harder for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven
than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
Taming the Demons
Today, I awoke with demons
playing on my mind.
'Who do you think you are,
writing and sending your thoughts
out to the world?'
'Your writing isn't at all good.
Your words do not inspire.
Your ideas are not new.'
'It would be better to
silence yourself.
Step back from the
inevitable embarrassment
due you when all
discover that you
are not really
a writer.'
For so much of my life,
these demons held sway
over my decisions and actions.
Believing always, that I was
never 'good enough',
I shared that which is most sacred
to me - my writing -
with just a few others.
And, when I found an
individual who was interested,
I would inevitably inundate
that person with verse,
not able to stop the flow
of words, the energy
that cried for form.
It was just this year - after 51-lived-years -
that I dared to share beyond the few.
Perhaps it is true.
Perhaps my writing doesn't
distinguish me as among the greats.
But the words are there,
they demand release.
To ask me to stop writing would be like
asking an eagle to not fly.
Really, our egos have such limited capacity
to see beyond fear, and in our best interests,
try to protect us from harm.
But we were not meant to lie dormant
And, to not use a gift, no matter how small,
seems a violation against the life force
within us all.
We are seeds planted in the soil of this life.
We must reach outside the protective shell
and venture into that dark, rich soil
to learn our purpose.
And then, give back.
Don't question or judge,
for you can't possibly know the potential
of the gifts you give.
Just give back to life.
playing on my mind.
'Who do you think you are,
writing and sending your thoughts
out to the world?'
'Your writing isn't at all good.
Your words do not inspire.
Your ideas are not new.'
'It would be better to
silence yourself.
Step back from the
inevitable embarrassment
due you when all
discover that you
are not really
a writer.'
For so much of my life,
these demons held sway
over my decisions and actions.
Believing always, that I was
never 'good enough',
I shared that which is most sacred
to me - my writing -
with just a few others.
And, when I found an
individual who was interested,
I would inevitably inundate
that person with verse,
not able to stop the flow
of words, the energy
that cried for form.
It was just this year - after 51-lived-years -
that I dared to share beyond the few.
Perhaps it is true.
Perhaps my writing doesn't
distinguish me as among the greats.
But the words are there,
they demand release.
To ask me to stop writing would be like
asking an eagle to not fly.
Really, our egos have such limited capacity
to see beyond fear, and in our best interests,
try to protect us from harm.
But we were not meant to lie dormant
And, to not use a gift, no matter how small,
seems a violation against the life force
within us all.
We are seeds planted in the soil of this life.
We must reach outside the protective shell
and venture into that dark, rich soil
to learn our purpose.
And then, give back.
Don't question or judge,
for you can't possibly know the potential
of the gifts you give.
Just give back to life.
Only Through the Light
21 December 2010
Crystal bowls;
sound grabs my soul,
pulls me.
Crystal comes from the earth.
Immediately I am in the meadow
Immediately I am in the meadow
standing in awe with all the animals,
listening to the crystal bowls fill
the air;
pulling like the moon,
swaying my body,
blowing the grasses,
lifting the hairs on the bear’s back.
Rhythmic, pulsating, alive, throbbing,
echoing through my head, in one ear,
lingering, out
and into the other ear.
mesmerized, spellbound;
all of us.
I am flying across the field
into the cave.
Crystal bowls sound bouncing off the
ricocheting in every direction,
reverberating through my soul,
echoing into the dark and rebounding
into me
through the hole, white wolf, crone, the shaman await.
Suddenly in the universe, between the stars
listening – all – to the crystal
Sound vibrating into space, never ending
Colors, shapes, stars forming, exploding.
The energy envelops me.
I absorb it, wanting more, reveling
in the exquisite feeling.
The sun, bright, burning, electric –
I am in it – the energy all round,
feeding me, filling me with life,
force, power;
explosions hurtle energy through me.
I am filled, ecstatic, lingering, holding, remembering.
The moon
cold, slower energy
I am there
feeling the balancing, the quiet, the gentle.
Feel self pulled into the All,
melting into the All,
losing sense of self;
Not ready to go there.
Not ready to let go of self.
Don’t want to lose identity.
Not ready.
Pulled gently, melting;
let go….so far…but not all the way.
All is energy.
All is All.
Harm toward one is harm toward all.
Anger, resentment, outrage at
one who oppresses
is anger, resentment, outrage
at those who are oppressed
is anger,
resentment, outrage at my self.
And fear and
darkness grow.
My dark only adds to the dark.
Only through light can the dark be quelled.
Muse at my Side
So, here I sit
prepared to bear witness to that
which lies hidden
and strives to be born.
Oh thou muse,
such a temptress you are,
pushing forever for my fingers
to alight upon the key pad,
sprinkling words through my mind
as I stand naked in the shower
and then allowing them to wash down the drain
of this menopausal mind;
now just a feeling,
and a sense of
something important
left unsaid.
I have felt you at my side these past weeks.
I have sensed your request turn to a demand.
I have resisted, felt fear, given in and written
and then played the cycle through again.
Why must I feel these painful emotions
when you want me to write?
Why must I descend into this place
so apart from 'reality'
that I can not focus on even the simplest of
mundane tasks?
Now, I verge on a commitment to
write full time for the next weeks.
What does that mean, really?
If I agree to give in to you,
if I dare to just sit
and allow you to
speak through me,
if I risk my soul and person
to the vagaries that are you,
what shall become of me?
Of course, nothing is to be lost
for there has, as yet, been nothing given.
Music to drown the voices,
eyes turned inward,
but opening.
Finding you in my soul,
now dancing lightly across the hard wood floors
of my past, and
the dark, quiet, peaceful space fronting my alter.
feel, feel, feel
that is all that is asked.
prepared to bear witness to that
which lies hidden
and strives to be born.
Oh thou muse,
such a temptress you are,
pushing forever for my fingers
to alight upon the key pad,
sprinkling words through my mind
as I stand naked in the shower
and then allowing them to wash down the drain
of this menopausal mind;
now just a feeling,
and a sense of
something important
left unsaid.
I have felt you at my side these past weeks.
I have sensed your request turn to a demand.
I have resisted, felt fear, given in and written
and then played the cycle through again.
Why must I feel these painful emotions
when you want me to write?
Why must I descend into this place
so apart from 'reality'
that I can not focus on even the simplest of
mundane tasks?
Now, I verge on a commitment to
write full time for the next weeks.
What does that mean, really?
if I dare to just sit
and allow you to
speak through me,
if I risk my soul and person
to the vagaries that are you,
what shall become of me?
Of course, nothing is to be lost
for there has, as yet, been nothing given.
Music to drown the voices,
eyes turned inward,
but opening.
Finding you in my soul,
now dancing lightly across the hard wood floors
of my past, and
the dark, quiet, peaceful space fronting my alter.
feel, feel, feel
that is all that is asked.
The Spirit of Creation
The spirit of creation is so amazing, isn't it?
It calls me, and when I finally answer
the words just flow...
one upon another...
breathing life into little symbols,
connecting the physical to the spiritual.
And, I, the mere scribe,
lose myself in the creation,
watching as words not predetermined by myself
appear on the page,
and then reading them over and again
to understand their meaning.
Spirit is here.
It uses my fingers
to paint the canvass of this page
And I sit, as always,
amazed and breathless.
Practice in This Life Who You Really Are
Wrapped around space,
inside space.
Shapes and then none.
Black, smooth.
Relaxed, so peaceful.
The 'me' defined in this life lets go,
dissipates into pure energy.
Relieved to finally let go of the
tight grasp required to hold human form.
Relaxing, falling into the All.
No boundaries, all is one.
'Practice in this life who you are.
Take down the boundaries.
They are artificial.
Your body is an artificial boundary creating separateness.
Your definition of 'I', and 'they', and 'other'...
all artificial boundaries.
The walls to house your body,
the stigma associated with 'I',
the fences putting space between neighbors,
the 'family' putting space between kin of spirit.
It takes enormous energy to hold the separation.
You are not separate by nature,
only by design.'
I felt the power inside me again.
Saw a lion pacing, holding back the enormous power.
Saw a star in its final stages of life, preparing to explode.
Me, holding in the energy.
And then the explosion, the lion pouncing,
and the black hole.
Energy pouring into the black hole,
pulling me in
fear, curiosity, anticipation.
Black, smooth, frenzied, chaotic, perfect.
Creation happening, atoms collecting, disbursing, dancing, experimenting
What will be?
The frenzy of creation, the dance of possibilities,
the space within space,
all hidden inside the black that is the hole,
the bounded energy readying to explode,
the lion ready to pounce,
the energy that is me
ready to burst forth into life.
always life.
inside space.
Shapes and then none.
Black, smooth.
Relaxed, so peaceful.
The 'me' defined in this life lets go,
dissipates into pure energy.
Relieved to finally let go of the
tight grasp required to hold human form.
Relaxing, falling into the All.
No boundaries, all is one.
'Practice in this life who you are.
Take down the boundaries.
They are artificial.
Your body is an artificial boundary creating separateness.
Your definition of 'I', and 'they', and 'other'...
all artificial boundaries.
The walls to house your body,
the stigma associated with 'I',
the fences putting space between neighbors,
the 'family' putting space between kin of spirit.
It takes enormous energy to hold the separation.
You are not separate by nature,
only by design.'
I felt the power inside me again.
Saw a lion pacing, holding back the enormous power.
Saw a star in its final stages of life, preparing to explode.
Me, holding in the energy.
And then the explosion, the lion pouncing,
and the black hole.
Energy pouring into the black hole,
pulling me in
fear, curiosity, anticipation.
Black, smooth, frenzied, chaotic, perfect.
Creation happening, atoms collecting, disbursing, dancing, experimenting
What will be?
The frenzy of creation, the dance of possibilities,
the space within space,
all hidden inside the black that is the hole,
the bounded energy readying to explode,
the lion ready to pounce,
the energy that is me
ready to burst forth into life.
always life.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
The Medicine Bag
4 December 2010
The medicine bag was given to me
on a flight to Viet Nam.
I sat next to a woman flying home
to Thailand for her mother's funeral.
Despite her efforts, she could not
quiet herself or find rest.
So, I decided to send her healing energy.
As I sat with my eyes closed,
I saw her energy and became
transfixed on infusing it with my own.
Suddenly, all was dark except right
in front of my heart.
In the light, I saw multiple hands
holding a medicine bag.
I realized it was being gifted to me.
Then, the hands were gone and
the medicine bag was on me.
It was not the medicine bag
I had envisioned for myself.
It was the shape of an oval,
with a back and a smaller pouch
about half the size of the back.
It seemed to be made of beads
woven into leather.
The pouch looked too small
to put my fingers in to gather items.
It also had no cover, so it seemed
its contents could fall.
As I was gazing at the medicine bag, wondering
how I would take stuff out of it,
and how to keep things from falling
out of it,
I saw myself breath in from the pouch.
A beautiful glittering dust arose from the pouch.
I blew the dust toward my restless travel companion
and it gently nestled into her energy field.
I continued to focus on sending her healing energy.
Then, I became aware that her mother was there with us.
She was talking to me. She was there to guide her daughter
through the next days and to keep her safe.
She was sad.
I told her that after the rites are finished,
she needs to continue her journey,
that her children would be safe.
She raised them well and they would
care for each other.
She was saddened, but understood.
'This one', the mother said, 'is special',
referring to my travel companion.
'She will be okay too. She is a leader.
She will be asked to take her place now.'
Next, I saw a white light descend behind my travel companion and heard,
'I am with you.'
Loving, gentle, white light.
'Rest child, I am with you.'
I saw the white light reach out and touch
my travel companion's shoulder.
When I awoke the next day,
it all seemed a dream.
I wondered if I should relay
my experience to my travel companion.
I was concerned it might upset her,
or be all in my imagination.
So, I faltered.
But as soon as I decided not to tell her,
I heard the mother, 'You must tell her!'
So, I gathered my courage and relayed the mother's thoughts
to her daughter.
She was astounded.
She said I was right, that she was a leader
and that she needed to play that role now.
She affirmed everything I had said.
She asked how I knew,
so I told her that her mother
had instructed me.
She was so happy and relieved to hear
about her mother. She thanked me
and told me that she felt better.
The medicine bag was given to me
on a flight to Viet Nam.
I sat next to a woman flying home
to Thailand for her mother's funeral.
Despite her efforts, she could not
quiet herself or find rest.
So, I decided to send her healing energy.
As I sat with my eyes closed,
I saw her energy and became
transfixed on infusing it with my own.
Suddenly, all was dark except right
in front of my heart.
In the light, I saw multiple hands
holding a medicine bag.
I realized it was being gifted to me.
Then, the hands were gone and
the medicine bag was on me.
It was not the medicine bag
I had envisioned for myself.
It was the shape of an oval,
with a back and a smaller pouch
about half the size of the back.
It seemed to be made of beads
woven into leather.
The pouch looked too small
to put my fingers in to gather items.
It also had no cover, so it seemed
its contents could fall.
As I was gazing at the medicine bag, wondering
how I would take stuff out of it,
and how to keep things from falling
out of it,
I saw myself breath in from the pouch.
A beautiful glittering dust arose from the pouch.
I blew the dust toward my restless travel companion
and it gently nestled into her energy field.
I continued to focus on sending her healing energy.
Then, I became aware that her mother was there with us.
She was talking to me. She was there to guide her daughter
through the next days and to keep her safe.
She was sad.
I told her that after the rites are finished,
she needs to continue her journey,
that her children would be safe.
She raised them well and they would
care for each other.
She was saddened, but understood.
'This one', the mother said, 'is special',
referring to my travel companion.
'She will be okay too. She is a leader.
She will be asked to take her place now.'
Next, I saw a white light descend behind my travel companion and heard,
'I am with you.'
Loving, gentle, white light.
'Rest child, I am with you.'
I saw the white light reach out and touch
my travel companion's shoulder.
When I awoke the next day,
it all seemed a dream.
I wondered if I should relay
my experience to my travel companion.
I was concerned it might upset her,
or be all in my imagination.
So, I faltered.
But as soon as I decided not to tell her,
I heard the mother, 'You must tell her!'
So, I gathered my courage and relayed the mother's thoughts
to her daughter.
She was astounded.
She said I was right, that she was a leader
and that she needed to play that role now.
She affirmed everything I had said.
She asked how I knew,
so I told her that her mother
had instructed me.
She was so happy and relieved to hear
about her mother. She thanked me
and told me that she felt better.
Quan Yin
Quan Yin - Goddess of Compassion
Divine feminine from the Buddhist tradition.
What brings you to me,
or rather me to you?
'I come to you now
so that you will tell all
there is hope.
I feel the cries from
all corners of the earth.
I feel the hunger
pains cramping your stomach.
I feel the thirst
that drains the life from your body.
I hear the bomb that shall
crash upon your home.
I am compassion, mercy, love
for all humanity.
The tears I shed
are for you, because of your pain,
in prayer for your future.
Look up from your sorrow,
from the pain that defines your day.
See me shining in the stars
and in the eyes of
a stranger.
And feel, in me,
a gentle and uncompromising
for all that you are.
I shall not leave until
each one,
all, of you
feel the grace of God
in your heart
and the breath of life
in your soul.
I shall stand, forever, by your side.
I am Quan Yin, Goddess of Compassion and Mercy.
are the Divine, embodied now
in flesh,
for a brief, but important,
walk upon this earth.
Know that you never walk alone,
always I am with you.
And so you
with another.
Reach out.
Feel my compassion
rush through your open heart
to another.
Bask in the preciousness that
is love manifest
in this life.
Together, we will heal
this broken world
and hold all
in love.'
The Great Halls of Sorrow...Part I
11 November 2009
My teacher wanted to do an energy healing with me.
So, we started.
Immediately, the energy inside me broiled upon her touch,
swirling, spinning, building, faster, faster, faster,
mounting like a lion,
air filling its lungs
as it lifted its head to roar...
Suddenly, I was in a white palace, marble all round,
statues, pillars, steps, beauty..
I was dressed like royalty, and looking down,
I saw that I was a young man.
Alone, stood I,
in the middle of this decadence,
recognizing this place as 'home'.
Great doors stood locked before me,
the doors to the outside,
the world of which I was not a part.
Slowly, the doors swung open,
letting in the dark and a profound sense
of despair.
Like a wave, the despair rolled over me, filled the room
and pushed me closer and closer to the outside.
I stepped over the threshold into the darkness
and saw upon my steps many people,
splayed, lifeless as if destroyed in battle.
Death surrounded me, yet I saw no blood,
only bodies as far as my eyes could see.
Young, old, mothers, fathers, children
lying motionless in the dark.
And then, the anguish set in,
deep, dark, horrible anguish
that brought me to my knees
as if I could feel each and every one
dying in agony and hopelessness.
Even as the horror of death settled upon me
I realized that I, alone, was safe
from the scourge.
Behind colossal locked doors
I could live in wealth,
completely unaware of the devastation
at my doorstep.
And with that realization set in a profound
sense of shame.
'Why them and not me?'
Shame that I could not help,
but that I stood helplessly by
as so many suffered;
shame that I ate to my fill
each meal of the day as so many
longed for just one morsel fallen from my table;
shame that I was born to so much,
expected so much,
when so many were born to little or nothing.
What made me different?
Why me and not them?
Why them and not me?
Alone surrounded by black death
I stood,
clad in white and gold,
sandals of leather,
jewels marking my rank,
surrounded by death.
And, the sudden realization
that I deserved none of what
I had been given,
and that these
deserved none of the black death
to which they succumbed.
Startled by the cry that came from my lips;
feeling the tears streaking my face;
hearing the gentle call of my teacher
to come back;
devastated by the vision
of me/him
and the guilt
for having lived when others
did not.
My teacher wanted to do an energy healing with me.
So, we started.
Immediately, the energy inside me broiled upon her touch,
swirling, spinning, building, faster, faster, faster,
mounting like a lion,
air filling its lungs
as it lifted its head to roar...
Suddenly, I was in a white palace, marble all round,
statues, pillars, steps, beauty..
I was dressed like royalty, and looking down,
I saw that I was a young man.
Alone, stood I,
in the middle of this decadence,
recognizing this place as 'home'.
Great doors stood locked before me,
the doors to the outside,
the world of which I was not a part.
Slowly, the doors swung open,
letting in the dark and a profound sense
of despair.
Like a wave, the despair rolled over me, filled the room
and pushed me closer and closer to the outside.
I stepped over the threshold into the darkness
and saw upon my steps many people,
splayed, lifeless as if destroyed in battle.
Death surrounded me, yet I saw no blood,
only bodies as far as my eyes could see.
Young, old, mothers, fathers, children
lying motionless in the dark.
And then, the anguish set in,
deep, dark, horrible anguish
that brought me to my knees
as if I could feel each and every one
dying in agony and hopelessness.
Even as the horror of death settled upon me
I realized that I, alone, was safe
from the scourge.
Behind colossal locked doors
I could live in wealth,
completely unaware of the devastation
at my doorstep.
And with that realization set in a profound
sense of shame.
'Why them and not me?'
Shame that I could not help,
but that I stood helplessly by
as so many suffered;
shame that I ate to my fill
each meal of the day as so many
longed for just one morsel fallen from my table;
shame that I was born to so much,
expected so much,
when so many were born to little or nothing.
What made me different?
Why me and not them?
Why them and not me?
Alone surrounded by black death
I stood,
clad in white and gold,
sandals of leather,
jewels marking my rank,
surrounded by death.
And, the sudden realization
that I deserved none of what
I had been given,
and that these
deserved none of the black death
to which they succumbed.
Startled by the cry that came from my lips;
feeling the tears streaking my face;
hearing the gentle call of my teacher
to come back;
devastated by the vision
of me/him
and the guilt
for having lived when others
did not.
Prayer for New Found Love
March 2010
Each day, that which is
growing between us
reveals itself to me;
as if my mind/heart cannot absorb
it more
quickly, but must,
aware slowly.
I sense a need to stay clear
within myself
my wishes and desires
that which wants to be – in reality.
I can so easily fill in the
blanks of the unfinished sentence.
desires transform quietly into my expectations
how this is ‘supposed to go’,
what you are ‘supposed to be or feel’.
from there, it is a short fall
a downward spiral of seeing only what I want to see,
to honor what is real,
the inevitable frustration and anger
the loss of ‘what was supposed to be’.
This is my prayer,
intention I set for myself.
truly want to honor you for exactly
you are and choose to be…
I have learned that my words
slide effortlessly
my fingers onto the page.
can sense wisdom and transform it into verse.
I hope you will remember,
words are the vision of who I want to be,
lessons I need to learn,
goals toward which I strive,
wisdom I seek to integrate into my being.
I sense that this union with
it ends up being defined,
gifts of profound measure.
Already, I can see that your
presence in my life is
me to grow in new ways;
me opportunities to practice new found wisdom and skills;
me to love in the face of fear...
There is a great deal of
risk in this
me, and you as well.
want to learn how to recognize fear responses in myself,
honor them,
to NOT let them rule my life.
I pray that I find a way to
present with you with an open heart,
agile mind,
creative spirit,
a faith that spirit is guiding us
something that is life-giving
us both.
I pray that I can love you
and courageously
the face of uncertainty and fear,
that I can learn to celebrate
which grows between us,
however it defines itself.
The Great Halls of Sorrow...Part II
7 January 2011
The spirits came and asked me to travel.
They sang and danced, told me it would be safe.
Suddenly, I was in the great hall again.
I was both the wealthy young man
and the spirit moving him.
I held him and told him to open the doors.
He was filled with fear and remorse,
but gathered the courage to once again
venture into his grief.
Slowly the great doors swung open
dark filled the hall
and with it, the stench of death.
We/I/he walked slowly into the dark.
Standing on the steps, I saw a
luminescence around me.
The light wavered when I saw
the death and felt the destruction,
but it did not succumb to the darkness.
I found the body of one who had died;
saw myself lay the body
on an alter.
I drew the spirit out of the body,
infused it with my spirit
and saw light go into it.
I then showed it a portal
in the heavens and escorted
it there.
Still there was darkness
but the luminescence
surrounding me
shown brightly.
And, the young man
who was me,
felt, for the first time,
and a reason
for being.
The spirits came and asked me to travel.
They sang and danced, told me it would be safe.
Suddenly, I was in the great hall again.
I was both the wealthy young man
and the spirit moving him.
I held him and told him to open the doors.
He was filled with fear and remorse,
but gathered the courage to once again
venture into his grief.
Slowly the great doors swung open
dark filled the hall
and with it, the stench of death.
We/I/he walked slowly into the dark.
Standing on the steps, I saw a
luminescence around me.
The light wavered when I saw
the death and felt the destruction,
but it did not succumb to the darkness.
I found the body of one who had died;
saw myself lay the body
on an alter.
I drew the spirit out of the body,
infused it with my spirit
and saw light go into it.
I then showed it a portal
in the heavens and escorted
it there.
Still there was darkness
but the luminescence
surrounding me
shown brightly.
And, the young man
who was me,
felt, for the first time,
and a reason
for being.
One Simple Truth
The day draws ever closer
when I shall leave this place,
ending this incredible journey
to Viet Nam.
Perhaps, I'll be back,
but one can never be sure
what the future will bring.
Beyond seeing family and friends
over the holidays
and a writing sabbatical
to start off the new year,
I have no idea what comes next.
It is somewhat disconcerting
to look out and not see
the breadcrumbs I usually
toss into my future
to lead me forward.
I haven't tossed any breadcrumbs
this time.
I don't know what breadcrumbs
to toss,
nor would I know which way
to toss them
if I actually held them in my hands.
None of us ever really knows the future.
And living as if we do know
merely dims our awareness
of that fact,
providing a sense of comfort
in the dark of the unknown.
There is a part of me that is fully intrigued
with this idea of letting the future
come to me.
Always, I have defined and planned,
forged my way through the thicket of now
to arrive at the envisioned future.
So, I am not skilled in this endeavor,
either intellectually or emotionally.
Of that I was made humorously aware
when my response to sitting quietly was to
plan - in detail - a month-long writing sabbatical!
How do you simply allow spirit?
How do you quiet your mind?
How do you honor your fears without
giving them control?
How do you really,
I mean really,
become quiet
to hear the call of spirit?
One thing I do know...
I want to walk the path of Spirit.
Of that one simple truth, I am certain.
when I shall leave this place,
ending this incredible journey
to Viet Nam.
Perhaps, I'll be back,
but one can never be sure
what the future will bring.
Beyond seeing family and friends
over the holidays
and a writing sabbatical
to start off the new year,
I have no idea what comes next.
It is somewhat disconcerting
to look out and not see
the breadcrumbs I usually
toss into my future
to lead me forward.
I haven't tossed any breadcrumbs
this time.
I don't know what breadcrumbs
to toss,
nor would I know which way
to toss them
if I actually held them in my hands.
None of us ever really knows the future.
And living as if we do know
merely dims our awareness
of that fact,
providing a sense of comfort
in the dark of the unknown.
There is a part of me that is fully intrigued
with this idea of letting the future
come to me.
Always, I have defined and planned,
forged my way through the thicket of now
to arrive at the envisioned future.
So, I am not skilled in this endeavor,
either intellectually or emotionally.
Of that I was made humorously aware
when my response to sitting quietly was to
plan - in detail - a month-long writing sabbatical!
How do you simply allow spirit?
How do you quiet your mind?
How do you honor your fears without
giving them control?
How do you really,
I mean really,
become quiet
to hear the call of spirit?
One thing I do know...
I want to walk the path of Spirit.
Of that one simple truth, I am certain.
Friday, October 26, 2012
The Alpha and the Omega
Christmas, 1974
Candle light, Strauss, glistening snow, and a 14-year-old girl with a need to write…
The earth cries out in agony and despair as it clings to life with its last bit of strength.
The reason for the vast decaying of mankind had been
discovered; but in vain. It was too
It started so plain in view that man looked right at it – and
right through it.
All the warnings of possible destruction from the arsenals, the
factories, the automobiles and the smoke were to no avail. None would take these ‘health freaks’
seriously. So – there was smoke, smog,
littering, dumping of wastes into dark, dying lakes and streams….and apathy
until that one year.
Man, with his great mind and fantastic achievements was about
to witness the total ruin of the earth.
As fast as man’s mind had developed and matured itself up to such a
miraculous wonder was as fast as man would watch himself die.
When the first signs showed themselves, man, who could not even
bother himself with his own children for fear of precious time loss, had
naturally postponed this trivial thing until later. The problem?
Only a few cattle had died after drinking from a clear lake.
This would not be discussed again until reports were made that
irrigated crops in various parts of the world were dying with no apparent
reason. ‘No fishing’ signs were posted
more often than not and the wildlife were mysteriously dying. These incidents aroused some attention from
the public, who asked that an inspection take place.
Slowly, with little deliberation, the governments set aside
some of their precious time to inspect the problem. After a total of three weeks of inactive,
broken inspection, these happenings were posted as only coincidental.
Life went back to normal.
People went on living as before and critics kept on writing and
warning. But even those with the wildest
imaginations could not conceive the whole population of all the earth being
totally wiped out.
Meanwhile a bacteria that had somehow formed from the mixtures
of the pollutants grew and spread as fast as if death itself was chasing
it. It’s victims at first were the
occasional animals that drank from it’s water home and the plants which received
it from irrigation. It spread like
wildfire, contaminating every bit of water it was transmitted to, and in turn
contaminating and killing living beings – beasts and men.
Within six months after the first dead cattle had been found a
third of the world’s population had been wiped out.
The government heads, now seeing there was a serious problem,
went to work searching for the reason and the source. During this time signs were posted on
billboards all over the world reading thus; 'The department of health has
declared all bodies of water around the world unhealthy and possibly harmful to
anyone who goes in or near them.'
There were two stages in this development; 1) spreading of the
bacteria to all known and unknown bodies of water throughout the entire world,
and 2) the waiting…the short waiting period where the remainder of the plants
and animals died and the half crazed people ran to the forbidden water to have
‘just one last drink’.
And now after almost the whole population is dead, a dying
scientist sees the answer.
It is there and it is gone – so – his life.
The death bell has rung and has taken its toll.
When the last form of life is gone the sun comes out as never
before parching and shriveling the earth with it’s stinging, harsh rays. There is nothing now, no form of life
All is brown and dead….all dead.
There is a silence in the world. A muteness that is so loud, it seems to
explode in your mind. There is not a
baby crying or a person screaming; not a sparrow singing or a lion
roaring. It is so still you could hear a
butterfly perching on a flower. All has
ceased to exist. Even the wind has
silenced itself in this victory of mankind over himself. The power of death has overcome. Man with his superior mind and incredible
achievements has unintentionally disregarded his own human needs and thus has
destroyed himself….silence…
Wait! What is
It comes almost minute at first
but then it grows and grows. Soon the
tears of remorse from heaven over a lost love fall to the earth, bouncing off
the dried withered remnants and shattering into a million, dancing sparkles
of glistening sun-drops; not black and soiled, but clear and pure and alive.
The dry, cracked earth is much surprised as these wonderful
bits of life share their gift with it, but it soaks it up and asks for more –
and… receives it.
It rains….and it pours.
As the sky clears a sudden radiant light appears. It is a dove – pure and white and shinning
with beauty – carrying in its mouth a small, green twig. The dove gently drops the twig and when it
touches the earth, it infects the earth with a contagion that seems to affect
the whole earth; only this time the contagion is life.
Feeble, young plants peak out from the sullen earth and are
almost scared away, but the warmth of the sun and the nourishment of God’s
tears encourage them to take on life.
Shinning as brightly as they can, they stand up to death and beat
it. Soon the earth explodes with color and life while the oceans fill themselves with cool, living, clear water.
Then comes the almost chaotic excitement as the animals start
out their new life. As instinct pulls
these habitual creatures into a forgotten routine of life, you can see such
sights as the king of beasts stalking its unsuspecting prey and the tiny hummingbird
flying through the air at a speed three times its own intricate body size.
In the midst of all this commotion there is a chorus of
high-pitched screeches which stops the animals in their places. The trumpeters, which act as the alarm device
of nature, usually warned of a coming disastrous event, such as fire or a
flood, which the animals responded to by fleeing from the foe. But this time there is something in the air
that tells the animals not to run, not to be frightened. Not one beast moves so much as to twitch an
ear as they stand staring in awe and wonderment at the creatures before them.
Joined hand in hand, the two stand silently. Their naked bodies are sturdy and strong;
their faces that of beauty. And in their
glimmering eyes there is a shining love and a determination that will last till
the end…and after.
‘And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was
very good.’
More than Social Justice
about more than social justice.
about healing the pain;
easing the suffering;
breathing precious life into
the sorrowful soul;
transforming despair into
manifesting God in all that
we are and do;
allowing love to shine
through us to bring joy into this world.
never over, only just begun, tiny steps leading to small recoveries.
worth every step, all the uncertainty, the mistakes and misguided notions;
to live, to love, to give
always to give back
to life,
in thanks
for life.
Turn the Key
Why is it that we raise some on pedestals
that far surpass their very real humanity?
What is this need to assign larger-than-life
attributes to these people?
We each can name those whom
we esteem above all others.
From my own life experience,
I would name
Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa,
Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela,
Siddhartha Guatama Buddha...
Please know that these thoughts,
in no way,
are meant to disrespect these people.
In fact, I feel a deep reverence and gratitude for
the messages they brought to us all.
They are heroes to me.
They inspire me to seek that
within myself which can strive to live
the wisdom they taught.
But I, like so many others,
feel compelled to ascribe to them
more than the mere humanity
that defines us all.
I want them to be more than human,
to be divine in some way...
This drive to set these people apart
is what I question.
Why, I wonder, do I/we have this need?
I realize I can't answer that question
for anyone other than myself.
I think, I want to know there is more
than what the drab and sometimes frightening
everyday life experience offers,
that there are beings who, somehow,
can rise above the challenges
that so frequently drive me to my knees.
I want to know that there is hope for the simple
likes of me.
These people fill a void in myself,
answer the demons inside who whisper
my failings, my ineptitude, my inability
to rise above that which I see in the mirror.
Perhaps, if I can never be more than I am,
I can venerate these people,
see in them and in their lives,
that which I can never envision for myself.
And that may,
just may,
give me peace.
I recognize, however,
an error in that logic, those emotions.
And in not questioning this error, I believe
that I disrespect one of the critical lessons
these people brought for me.
It is this.
These people were human.
They were plagued with their own demons,
just like me.
They struggled with life events,
just like me.
They lived day-to-day,
just like me.
But, more importantly,
rather MOST importantly,
I believe that through their living
as real human beings,
they demonstrated
that 'mere mortals' can reach
incredible heights
of human development.
This gift is for all of us,
not just a select few.
This gift is for
of us.
Who am I...really?
What is the highest, most developed,
being into which I can grow
in this lifetime?
Who are you...really?
What is the highest, most developed,
being into which
can grow in this lifetime?
What is the greatness that lies
your soul,
waiting to be born
through your life?
Seek it,
trust it,
the divine resides
in you,
that it waits for you
to turn the key.
that far surpass their very real humanity?
What is this need to assign larger-than-life
attributes to these people?
We each can name those whom
we esteem above all others.
From my own life experience,
I would name
Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa,
Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela,
Siddhartha Guatama Buddha...
Please know that these thoughts,
in no way,
are meant to disrespect these people.
In fact, I feel a deep reverence and gratitude for
the messages they brought to us all.
They are heroes to me.
They inspire me to seek that
within myself which can strive to live
the wisdom they taught.
But I, like so many others,
feel compelled to ascribe to them
more than the mere humanity
that defines us all.
I want them to be more than human,
to be divine in some way...
This drive to set these people apart
is what I question.
Why, I wonder, do I/we have this need?
I realize I can't answer that question
for anyone other than myself.
I think, I want to know there is more
than what the drab and sometimes frightening
everyday life experience offers,
that there are beings who, somehow,
can rise above the challenges
that so frequently drive me to my knees.
I want to know that there is hope for the simple
likes of me.
These people fill a void in myself,
answer the demons inside who whisper
my failings, my ineptitude, my inability
to rise above that which I see in the mirror.
Perhaps, if I can never be more than I am,
I can venerate these people,
see in them and in their lives,
that which I can never envision for myself.
And that may,
just may,
give me peace.
I recognize, however,
an error in that logic, those emotions.
And in not questioning this error, I believe
that I disrespect one of the critical lessons
these people brought for me.
It is this.
These people were human.
They were plagued with their own demons,
just like me.
They struggled with life events,
just like me.
They lived day-to-day,
just like me.
But, more importantly,
rather MOST importantly,
I believe that through their living
as real human beings,
they demonstrated
that 'mere mortals' can reach
incredible heights
of human development.
This gift is for all of us,
not just a select few.
This gift is for
of us.
Who am I...really?
What is the highest, most developed,
being into which I can grow
in this lifetime?
Who are you...really?
What is the highest, most developed,
being into which
can grow in this lifetime?
What is the greatness that lies
your soul,
waiting to be born
through your life?
Seek it,
trust it,
the divine resides
in you,
that it waits for you
to turn the key.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
A Legacy for our Children
I have begun the process of saying
'good-bye' to my Vietnamese friends.
It is sad, as I have no idea where life will lead next,
nor whether it will bring me back to this place.
So, I am mindful that when I say, 'farewell',
it may be for the last time.
And, that makes the moment ever more
I am a foreigner in this land.
My pale skin and white hair
demarcate me as an 'other'.
The culture, spirituality, history and politics
so vastly differ from my own
that at times, I find myself totally lost and confused.
I do not know Vietnamese,
having found it a very difficult
language to learn.
Yet, placing me, a foreigner,
in this place has created a strange and wonderful juxtaposition
of distinctiveness and likeness.
It's almost as if the two halves of the brain
have been rejoined,
east and west,
both incomplete without the other.
And even as I struggle to understand
some things which perhaps will forever
elude me,
I recognize the human face of Viet Nam
and I see the fear, love, compassion,
struggles, concerns, ideas and dreams
that bind all humanity as one.
How is it that we can, at once,
be so dissimilar and so alike?
How is that, across the vast barriers
of language and culture and history and politics,
we can understand each other?
Yet, it happens.
I am blessed to witness it here
in my own life.
And, it gives me hope for tomorrow
and for us all.
The forest is rich because it hosts
vast diversity in a shared eco-system.
We, too, become rich as we learn to
celebrate that vast diversity that is
Now, that is a legacy to leave our children!
'good-bye' to my Vietnamese friends.
It is sad, as I have no idea where life will lead next,
nor whether it will bring me back to this place.
So, I am mindful that when I say, 'farewell',
it may be for the last time.
And, that makes the moment ever more
I am a foreigner in this land.
My pale skin and white hair
demarcate me as an 'other'.
The culture, spirituality, history and politics
so vastly differ from my own
that at times, I find myself totally lost and confused.
having found it a very difficult
language to learn.
Yet, placing me, a foreigner,
in this place has created a strange and wonderful juxtaposition
of distinctiveness and likeness.
It's almost as if the two halves of the brain
have been rejoined,
east and west,
both incomplete without the other.
And even as I struggle to understand
some things which perhaps will forever
elude me,
I recognize the human face of Viet Nam
and I see the fear, love, compassion,
struggles, concerns, ideas and dreams
that bind all humanity as one.
How is it that we can, at once,
be so dissimilar and so alike?
How is that, across the vast barriers
of language and culture and history and politics,
we can understand each other?
Yet, it happens.
I am blessed to witness it here
in my own life.
And, it gives me hope for tomorrow
and for us all.
The forest is rich because it hosts
vast diversity in a shared eco-system.
We, too, become rich as we learn to
celebrate that vast diversity that is
Now, that is a legacy to leave our children!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Being Human
Laughing in spite of my self
and reminded that I am,
for this spirit walk,
very human!
I seek wisdom,
search for deep understanding,
endeavor to live by higher precepts...
But always,
I face my own countenance
when I gaze into a mirror.
The most recent manifestation
of this propensity to be human?
Faced with the uncertainty of
a future unknown,
I felt it necessary
to sit in quiet
to reflect and to
rush to plans.
I was successful in that
endeavor for
almost a day!
Since then, I have planned
two trips and the next 3 months
of my life.
ah well...
so much for sitting with the unknown!
There is, in this so real example
of my humanity,
at least one important lesson
for me.
That is,
in seeking wisdom
and striving to mature
into that wisdom,
there is:
the need for
acceptance of who
and where I am right now;
the need for a gentle humor
regarding my own falllibilities;
the need for compassion
in the process and struggle
of learning; and
the need for self love.
So, now that I sit in the
contrived comfort of
extending the unknown
a little further into the future,
I will endeavor once more
to sit quietly
and listen for the
call of Spirit.
and reminded that I am,
for this spirit walk,
very human!
I seek wisdom,
search for deep understanding,
endeavor to live by higher precepts...
But always,
I face my own countenance
when I gaze into a mirror.
The most recent manifestation
of this propensity to be human?
Faced with the uncertainty of
a future unknown,
I felt it necessary
to sit in quiet
to reflect and to
rush to plans.
I was successful in that
endeavor for
almost a day!
Since then, I have planned
two trips and the next 3 months
of my life.
ah well...
so much for sitting with the unknown!
There is, in this so real example
of my humanity,
at least one important lesson
for me.
That is,
in seeking wisdom
and striving to mature
into that wisdom,
there is:
the need for
acceptance of who
and where I am right now;
the need for a gentle humor
regarding my own falllibilities;
the need for compassion
in the process and struggle
of learning; and
the need for self love.
So, now that I sit in the
contrived comfort of
extending the unknown
a little further into the future,
I will endeavor once more
to sit quietly
and listen for the
call of Spirit.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
I Am come to bring you peace.
Through the energetic field
of the masters
I encompass the earth,
all of life,
with chi,
regularly flowing
in and out
breathe deeply
infuse your earthly body
with the magic that is life
feel the energy of
rush through your veins
feel it tingle against your skin
know that I Am here,
among you
within you
as you
Remember who you are.
purple blues streaking through the starlit sky
all held gently
in love
by the Creator,
the All
physical melting into energy
boundaries melting into oneness
you into me into us
now light, floating
touching, kneeling
the gentle hand reaching inside
caressing the ravaged heart
quieting the rampaging mind
reaching, reaching, reaching
to the soul
holding it,
reminding it
who it is,
letting go
letting fall
spirit mingling with flesh
penetrating flesh
merging with flesh
invigorating flesh
animating flesh
setting forth
for another journey incarnate
to live, to learn, to experience
to give back
always to give back
in thanks, in gratitude,
in honor.
find the oneness
in our separateness
find the oneness
that is our
find it,
hold it,
revere it
be, witness, express
beauty, kindness, compassion, love
live life as a poem
always love
and remember
always remember
you are more than you can see, hear, touch, feel
you are
Through the energetic field
of the masters
I encompass the earth,
all of life,
with chi,
regularly flowing
in and out
breathe deeply
infuse your earthly body
with the magic that is life
feel the energy of
rush through your veins
feel it tingle against your skin
know that I Am here,
among you
within you
as you
Remember who you are.
purple blues streaking through the starlit sky
all held gently
in love
by the Creator,
the All
physical melting into energy
boundaries melting into oneness
you into me into us
now light, floating
touching, kneeling
the gentle hand reaching inside
caressing the ravaged heart
quieting the rampaging mind
reaching, reaching, reaching
to the soul
holding it,
reminding it
who it is,
letting go
letting fall
spirit mingling with flesh
penetrating flesh
merging with flesh
invigorating flesh
animating flesh
setting forth
for another journey incarnate
to live, to learn, to experience
to give back
always to give back
in thanks, in gratitude,
in honor.
find the oneness
in our separateness
find the oneness
that is our
find it,
hold it,
revere it
be, witness, express
beauty, kindness, compassion, love
live life as a poem
always love
and remember
always remember
you are more than you can see, hear, touch, feel
you are
Standing on the Blank White of a New Page
Standing on the blank white of a new page.
When did I turn it?
The last page was so full, so rich.
I was so alive in it, with it, of it.
And suddenly, here I am.
There is a starkness to the openness.
It is frightening.
I want, quickly, to fill it.
But, I hear,
Stay a moment here
on this blank white page.'
Why am I so frightened of the open space?
Why does my mind rush to fill it with tasks, thoughts, plans, ideas...?
So, rather than rush forward,
I will look back, reflect on the journey
that has taken me to this new page.
Four years ago, I set purposefully upon a path.
I entered deeply into the final stage
of preparation for this journey.
My children almost adults,
my education complete,
my finances in order.
Now, the call to the most difficult
step in the preparation...
to seek inside myself.
Cleanse, clear, heal, breathe.
For a month, I meditated in front of my alter,
leaving only to fulfill worldly obligations,
determined to sit with my demons,
give them space to be heard,
learn to love and honor them...
Cleanse, clear, heal, breathe.
So profound, so painful,
they emerged
one by one,
sometimes all at once,
to make their petitions,
to state their claims,
to rant and ravage my heart.
Deeper and deeper I fell
into the corners of my heart and soul
that had succumbed to darkness,
and therein I dwelled
to heal, to find peace,
to learn to love
the darkest parts of myself.
Cleanse, clear, heal, breathe.
This clearing lasted through the entire four years.
In the first year of the cleansing
I was visited with what then felt
as a scourge, a tormentor,
a vicious demon intent on
my descent into madness.
I learned it was Kundalini energy.
It rose in me unbidden and without welcome.
And, it persisted,
refusing to leave the body that it so controlled
or let loose the mind it was devastating.
The energy infused my body for weeks on end
causing havoc, leaving me unable to function
or think.
It could not be ignored,
would not be controlled,
won always my battles to
eradicate it.
Occasionally, in the fight to survive
this beast, I would experience
energy rush up my spine and
shoot out my crown chakra,
creating a sensation of exquisite perfection,
a melding of this reality with the All,
a drive to create, always to create.
The Kundalini energy has stayed with me
all these years,
at times seeming to sleep quietly
as if in waiting,
at others rising
in various forms.
I have learned that it is a teacher.
So now I don't fight it,
but look for that to which it is directing me.
Mostly now, it comes as energy
rushing up my spine and shooting
out my crown chakra,
or lingering in my throat chakra.
I am to write.
When I write, the energy
moves from my throat chakra,
and bursts out my crown chakra.
If I ignore the call to write,
it settles in my root chakra,
turning from muse into tormentor.
So, I write.
When did I turn it?
The last page was so full, so rich.
I was so alive in it, with it, of it.
And suddenly, here I am.
There is a starkness to the openness.
It is frightening.
I want, quickly, to fill it.
But, I hear,
Stay a moment here
on this blank white page.'
Why am I so frightened of the open space?
Why does my mind rush to fill it with tasks, thoughts, plans, ideas...?
So, rather than rush forward,
I will look back, reflect on the journey
that has taken me to this new page.
Four years ago, I set purposefully upon a path.
I entered deeply into the final stage
of preparation for this journey.
My children almost adults,
my education complete,
my finances in order.
Now, the call to the most difficult
step in the preparation...
to seek inside myself.
Cleanse, clear, heal, breathe.
For a month, I meditated in front of my alter,
leaving only to fulfill worldly obligations,
determined to sit with my demons,
give them space to be heard,
learn to love and honor them...
Cleanse, clear, heal, breathe.
So profound, so painful,
they emerged
one by one,
sometimes all at once,
to make their petitions,
to state their claims,
to rant and ravage my heart.
Deeper and deeper I fell
into the corners of my heart and soul
that had succumbed to darkness,
and therein I dwelled
to heal, to find peace,
to learn to love
the darkest parts of myself.
Cleanse, clear, heal, breathe.
This clearing lasted through the entire four years.
In the first year of the cleansing
I was visited with what then felt
as a scourge, a tormentor,
a vicious demon intent on
my descent into madness.
I learned it was Kundalini energy.
It rose in me unbidden and without welcome.
And, it persisted,
refusing to leave the body that it so controlled
or let loose the mind it was devastating.
The energy infused my body for weeks on end
causing havoc, leaving me unable to function
or think.
It could not be ignored,
would not be controlled,
won always my battles to
eradicate it.
Occasionally, in the fight to survive
this beast, I would experience
energy rush up my spine and
shoot out my crown chakra,
creating a sensation of exquisite perfection,
a melding of this reality with the All,
a drive to create, always to create.
The Kundalini energy has stayed with me
all these years,
at times seeming to sleep quietly
as if in waiting,
at others rising
in various forms.
I have learned that it is a teacher.
So now I don't fight it,
but look for that to which it is directing me.
Mostly now, it comes as energy
rushing up my spine and shooting
out my crown chakra,
or lingering in my throat chakra.
I am to write.
When I write, the energy
moves from my throat chakra,
and bursts out my crown chakra.
If I ignore the call to write,
it settles in my root chakra,
turning from muse into tormentor.
So, I write.
Something Raw and Unfinished
Just yesterday started to seriously consider
returning to my home state to visit.
I haven't been there since my father died in 2000.
Then, it occurred to me...
since I was going all that distance,
why not stop in to see the town in which
I spent my childhood?
The idea of visiting this tiny town is intriguing, first
because never before now have I had
the resources or time to make this trip.
But, more importantly,
this feels to me as some kind of
It's been 38 years since I set foot
in that town.
Yet, it still haunts my dreams.
What I didn't expect in considering this journey
is the emotions it would trigger.
This is not just stepping back in time.
It is something more,
something fundamental,
raw, unfinished...
but what?
returning to my home state to visit.
I haven't been there since my father died in 2000.
Then, it occurred to me...
since I was going all that distance,
why not stop in to see the town in which
I spent my childhood?
The idea of visiting this tiny town is intriguing, first
because never before now have I had
the resources or time to make this trip.
But, more importantly,
this feels to me as some kind of
It's been 38 years since I set foot
in that town.
Yet, it still haunts my dreams.
What I didn't expect in considering this journey
is the emotions it would trigger.
This is not just stepping back in time.
It is something more,
something fundamental,
raw, unfinished...
but what?
Friday, October 19, 2012
Letting Go to Let Be
20 May 2011
It's strange, Dragonfly,
Though excitement and happiness fill the landscape around me,
there enters quietly a deep sadness,
asking me to fall into it.
I can not go there.
I am preparing to leave everything and everyone I know,
on a journey to which I committed so very long ago,
and not just to myself, but to God.
I must go. I am called.
There, really, is no choice,
not if I am to be who I am supposed to be
in this life.
I think the sadness emanates from that place
of saying 'goodbye'...again.
Though my love for all of you will remain always,
we will not be in each other's daily lives.
We will walk our own paths.
With all of you, that is a painful future in my heart,
but with my children, it is extremely difficult.
Still, I must go.
So, I cannot let myself fall into the sadness
as it has the power to stop me from fulfilling my destiny.
I need to find a way to love you all
and still respond to this sacred commitment
I made to God.
It's strange, Dragonfly,
Though excitement and happiness fill the landscape around me,
there enters quietly a deep sadness,
asking me to fall into it.
I can not go there.
I am preparing to leave everything and everyone I know,
on a journey to which I committed so very long ago,
and not just to myself, but to God.
I must go. I am called.
There, really, is no choice,
not if I am to be who I am supposed to be
in this life.
I think the sadness emanates from that place
of saying 'goodbye'...again.
Though my love for all of you will remain always,
we will not be in each other's daily lives.
We will walk our own paths.
With all of you, that is a painful future in my heart,
but with my children, it is extremely difficult.
Still, I must go.
So, I cannot let myself fall into the sadness
as it has the power to stop me from fulfilling my destiny.
I need to find a way to love you all
and still respond to this sacred commitment
I made to God.
Awaiting the Call
22 May 2011
I have felt this energy inside me,
wondered about its purpose.
I believe deeply that I wouldn't be experiencing things now
if I wasn't in some way supposed to use them,
to gift them back to life.
I am not frightened.
I am being pulled forward by a light,
a light that shines so brightly, but doesn't tell me
exactly what I'm supposed to be doing or where I'm supposed to be going.
There is something here I'm supposed to learn, to develop, to prepare...
I am sensing my learning must occur quickly now.
Time is of the essence.
I am open, ready to learn, to see...
Everything is important, all must be witnessed, explored, queried.
It is all coming together now.
I am clear this is the path forward.
I am committed to it with all of who I am,
my heart, my soul, my mind...
It is why I am here.
I have felt this energy inside me,
wondered about its purpose.
I believe deeply that I wouldn't be experiencing things now
if I wasn't in some way supposed to use them,
to gift them back to life.
I am not frightened.
I am being pulled forward by a light,
a light that shines so brightly, but doesn't tell me
exactly what I'm supposed to be doing or where I'm supposed to be going.
There is something here I'm supposed to learn, to develop, to prepare...
I am sensing my learning must occur quickly now.
Time is of the essence.
I am open, ready to learn, to see...
Everything is important, all must be witnessed, explored, queried.
It is all coming together now.
I am clear this is the path forward.
I am committed to it with all of who I am,
my heart, my soul, my mind...
It is why I am here.
Answers to a Question Yet Unasked
23 May 2011
My Personal Vision
Walking a spiritual path in this life is of paramount importance to me.
This must define all that I do:
the work I select, the way in which I approach that work,
the life I live each day, the love I bring into my life...all of it.
I am here to create beauty, to offer compassion and love, to bring light.
THAT I envision being reflected in every breath that I take.
It is so amazing!
I have been seeking the way in which I
can make a contribution to this life,
to give back.
I was told I have the answers inside me.
I just had a realization.
A prayer given to me three years ago
has in it the answers to the question
I am now asking!
The prayer was called, 'To Me, Through Me'.
In the prayer, I experienced God sending energy into me.
I was to hold it to my heart and feel its healing powers.
Then, I was to let it flow out of me
to another, to the world, to wherever
it needed to go.
Through that sacred dance, we each would be healed.
I just saw it...
I need to draw in the healing energy to strengthen my body,
to prepare it to be a vessel to hold whatever energy will come into it;
and to prepare it to be a conduit - to allow that energy to flow out of me
to another, to the universe.
My body is a vessel
to be filled and emptied
with the purpose of healing.
Perhaps my work won't involve
individual healing.
Perhaps, it will be healing on a 'higher' order
(not in terms of importance, but in terms of numbers of people affected),
like through writing, for example.
Dispiriting Energy
26 May 2011
In the wee hours of dawn, the fear and sadness that have been trying to settle into my spirit descended. I was overcome by it all. So, I decided to journey. I descended through the tree, hugging myself in a fetal position and guarding my exposed heart. When I came into the spirit world, I didn't know who to ask for help, so I just asked for help. All my spirit guides were there and reaching out to me. The Alchemist took my heart and gently placed it back inside my body. Then, he placed one hand on my chest and the other on my back and held me.
I 'heard' that I should pull the fear out of me. So, I placed my hands on my chest and abdomen. I felt the familiar tingling in my my hands. Then, I felt energy swirling around inside me, like a twister, with its peak rising to my hands. It was pulled from inside my body into my hands, like metal dust to a magnet. The fear and loneliness dissipated from my body, leaving it clean and clear. I have done this many times before. I first used it a few years back to quell panic attacks that threatened to turn me inside out.
So, I wonder... Are fear and loneliness more than just emotions? Are they dispirited energy?
I just found that term - dispirited - it means to discourage or dishearten, which taken literally is to dis courage and dis hearten. The 'dis' is the taking away of courage and heart.
So, when energy that is not life giving resides in your body, it, in fact, is dispiriting. The questions I'm left with after this experience...Are emotions really just energy? And is ridding your body of dispiriting energy as easy as pulling it out of you?
In the wee hours of dawn, the fear and sadness that have been trying to settle into my spirit descended. I was overcome by it all. So, I decided to journey. I descended through the tree, hugging myself in a fetal position and guarding my exposed heart. When I came into the spirit world, I didn't know who to ask for help, so I just asked for help. All my spirit guides were there and reaching out to me. The Alchemist took my heart and gently placed it back inside my body. Then, he placed one hand on my chest and the other on my back and held me.
I 'heard' that I should pull the fear out of me. So, I placed my hands on my chest and abdomen. I felt the familiar tingling in my my hands. Then, I felt energy swirling around inside me, like a twister, with its peak rising to my hands. It was pulled from inside my body into my hands, like metal dust to a magnet. The fear and loneliness dissipated from my body, leaving it clean and clear. I have done this many times before. I first used it a few years back to quell panic attacks that threatened to turn me inside out.
So, I wonder... Are fear and loneliness more than just emotions? Are they dispirited energy?
I just found that term - dispirited - it means to discourage or dishearten, which taken literally is to dis courage and dis hearten. The 'dis' is the taking away of courage and heart.
So, when energy that is not life giving resides in your body, it, in fact, is dispiriting. The questions I'm left with after this experience...Are emotions really just energy? And is ridding your body of dispiriting energy as easy as pulling it out of you?
Let Them Go
28 May 2011
There are so many emotions.
Allow them, feel them, honor them,
glean their lessons,
let them go.
Their nature is fluid; they need to flow.
If they are stopped up inside one,
they become stagnant
and their life-giving nature transmutes to a life-draining force.
If they are allowed to flow,
they follow their natural course,
visiting the human soul, endowing their gifts,
and then moving on in the continual flow of life.
They are part of the universe,
a vital part of the chi,
the energy of life.
They belong to the universe
and must return with our blessings.
Allow them, feel them, honor them,
glean their lessons,
let them go.
There are so many emotions.
Allow them, feel them, honor them,
glean their lessons,
let them go.
Their nature is fluid; they need to flow.
If they are stopped up inside one,
they become stagnant
and their life-giving nature transmutes to a life-draining force.
If they are allowed to flow,
they follow their natural course,
visiting the human soul, endowing their gifts,
and then moving on in the continual flow of life.
They are part of the universe,
a vital part of the chi,
the energy of life.
They belong to the universe
and must return with our blessings.
Allow them, feel them, honor them,
glean their lessons,
let them go.
Walk Lightly, Breath Gently
30 May 2011
This morning, I awoke being told to let everything fall away, all attachments...to people, things, ideas, emotions...all of it. I did, searching ever more deeply within my soul, discovering attachments, letting them go, feeling lighter and lighter. Finally, I transformed into light and merged with El.
I could see 'it' all - the earth, my family, life, the universe. I was all of 'it'. I am 'it', but I am not 'it'. I was asked to remember that I am not my actions, my skills, my roles...I am so much more than that, but I am that too. What I am on this plane is sacred because that is the reason I am here.
Walk lightly, breath gently, witness, write, love...
There is a 'knowledge' inside me, instructing me on what to do next. I don't understand it, nor am I analyzing it...just responding. This is about the light. There is nothing else for me, that I want...even though I get pulled by 'career', 'publishing', 'money', that is not it for me. There is something else. I am listening...
This morning, I awoke being told to let everything fall away, all attachments...to people, things, ideas, emotions...all of it. I did, searching ever more deeply within my soul, discovering attachments, letting them go, feeling lighter and lighter. Finally, I transformed into light and merged with El.
I could see 'it' all - the earth, my family, life, the universe. I was all of 'it'. I am 'it', but I am not 'it'. I was asked to remember that I am not my actions, my skills, my roles...I am so much more than that, but I am that too. What I am on this plane is sacred because that is the reason I am here.
Walk lightly, breath gently, witness, write, love...
There is a 'knowledge' inside me, instructing me on what to do next. I don't understand it, nor am I analyzing it...just responding. This is about the light. There is nothing else for me, that I want...even though I get pulled by 'career', 'publishing', 'money', that is not it for me. There is something else. I am listening...
Yet We Try
1 July 2011
It's not always as clear as our 'rules of thumb' would have us believe.
Soon as our precepts are born, life strives to thwart them;
for it can not be contained, nor will it be defined,
by the likes of its own creation.
It's not always as clear as our 'rules of thumb' would have us believe.
Soon as our precepts are born, life strives to thwart them;
for it can not be contained, nor will it be defined,
by the likes of its own creation.
The Call Foretold
6 June 2011
White Wolf meets me at the tree.
We are flying in the universe.
Wolf flies in a circle;
so fast, he becomes a blur of white;
soft, white rays falling from the blur.
My hands are buzzing;
My body is weak;
I am dizzy, woozy.
'Pay attention!' he shouts.
Wolf is speeding up now.
'Do not hesitate!
Do not be fooled by fear.
Face forward.
It will fall in place behind you.
You must move forward.
It will be something
which feels beyond you.
You must go.
Step into it.
You cannot understand.
You will not know fully
what is asked of you,
nor will your ability to respond
be immediately evident.
But it will come.
The energy, the mind, the heart;
all will be used.
Recognize fear - love and honor it.
But do not let it lead.
Watch me, follow me.
Stay close.'
White Wolf meets me at the tree.
We are flying in the universe.
Wolf flies in a circle;
so fast, he becomes a blur of white;
soft, white rays falling from the blur.
My hands are buzzing;
My body is weak;
I am dizzy, woozy.
'Pay attention!' he shouts.
Wolf is speeding up now.
'Do not hesitate!
Do not be fooled by fear.
Face forward.
It will fall in place behind you.
You must move forward.
It will be something
which feels beyond you.
You must go.
Step into it.
You cannot understand.
You will not know fully
what is asked of you,
nor will your ability to respond
be immediately evident.
But it will come.
The energy, the mind, the heart;
all will be used.
Recognize fear - love and honor it.
But do not let it lead.
Watch me, follow me.
Stay close.'
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